The Divorce And My Son.
DIVORCE AND YOU This is a female friends story: It's been over 1 year since the divorce was finalized and 2 years since he left. Once in a while my 8-year-old son will ask me something about what happened. Out of the blue. Like that night. At his bedtime, we were reading a verse of scripture about keeping vows. Son says "Mommy, you know this is for you, right? You divorced and you didn't keep your vows". Sigh. There's only so much I can explain to my 8-year-old. Times like this are hard. I have learnt to give my son over to God to heal and restore him. He is the only one who can. I'm also watchful and try to be sensitive. I have to give him time and space to grieve. Why do I share these things? Because I want you to know the truth. Divorce is very costly. Don't believe today's culture that flaunts divorce as the quick fix to all your marital problems. "Just get out and enjoy your life again". Not true. Divorce has deep ramifi...