Most problems in marriages today started when individual men started forming churches and making their wife head of marriage counseling, and their wife started propagating funny doctrines with the support of their husband (the Pastor) claiming that husband and wife are equal.
Husband and wife are equal in the whites’ court marriage were either party can walk away once they are tired by going back to court to get divorce papers. But it is not same with Bible and Quaran.
Read Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s position:
Husband does not mean the male partner in a marriage, husband means master. The reason for most problems in Christian marriages is the fact that women refute God’s definition of marriage and form theirs. They believe they are equal partners. If most women had their fathers bold enough to talk to them, they will be very successful in their marriage and they will be very happy people. Most women have never been taught by their parents, their fathers particularly and that’s their biggest problem because they don’t know who a man is, they think he is another woman.
In marriage, you have the man who is the head of that union and because he’s the head of that union, its important to understand him. You think he’s the one that needs to understand his wife and that is where you are wrong. He will eventually but you have to know the type of man you are married to and his needs.When you say you are marrying a man, you are coming under his authority. The Bible says, the man is the head of the woman (1 Corinthians 11:3) so when you marry him you come under his authority, you are not authority sharers even though you are both heirs to the kingdom of God.When you decide not to subject yourself to that authority, you are a rebel and God is not going to accept what you are doing because you are not functioning correctly.
Why did God make the woman?Making woman was not God’s original plan because after God created Adam and before He made Eve, He said in Genesis 1:31 “Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good”. God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea. This is reality.Genesis 2:18a “And the Lord God said “for it is not good for a man to be alone..” The Bible didn’t say “lonely” but “alone”. There is a big difference. Man wasn’t lonely but alone. Genesis 2:18b “…I will make him an help meet”. He didn’t say a partner or a supervisor or a special advisor or someone to tell him what to do.I will make him someone to help him. God gave man a responsibility so woman was made to help man achieve that responsibility.
If this is understood in every home then you won’t have problems.I tell people that you don’t need a marriage seminar, you need the Word Seminar.
Let me tell you, no husband wants another mother, he has had one all his life. He doesn’t want an older sister, he probably had one.Your secret is in obedience, your secret is in listening to your husband, your secret is in doing the things that please him. When you don’t do the things that please him, you take the role of a mother or of an older sister. A man loves the one he serves (God) and the one that serves him (a good wife). He fights the one that wants to be at the same level with him (a rebellious wife).
To be happy in your family and home is the easiest thing in the world, just take your role. Take your place. That place that God gave you is a beautiful place. Its a place of peace. Its a place of love. It’s a place of excellence. Every wise person listens to wise voices (advice) but he listens to a wise voice that is presented wisely. Everyone rebels against the voice that is trying to make a fool out of him. When you want to correct your husband, don’t lord it over him,present it as a wise suggestion. Humble yourself and be smart. A wise woman will always be an influence to her husband, the foolish one will always annoy the husband, make him mad, make him angry and when you make him angry, you will be the victim.
Learn to listen to your husband, practice it, tell yourself that you are going to do it because that is where your beauty is.Once you stop listening, your beauty evaporates. You wonder why you are dressing and he can’t see it, he doesn’t remember your last hair style. Beauty is in obedience. That’s where the Glory is.
I will agree with Pastor Chris's application and some of his points but not all. I think Doctrinally he misses some vital things that his conclusion on some of his points I belief are wrong.
ReplyDelete=> Yes men are Biblically head over women.
=> Yes men were created first and prior to women.
=> Yes the Bible more than encourages women to be submissive to their husbands.
I do not agree with:
First, I think he should say that husband are 'not only or simply' male partners. I think we run the risk of ambiguous interpretation of his words into thinking of Homosexuals, Bisexuals or transgender as having two 'lovers' deciding to settle down. (This is not something explicit but it will be helpful if that was more obviously stated).
Secondly, he got his conclusion wrong about creation. Making woman was God's original plan. I think he must be careful with simply taking Genesis 2 to make conclusions. Genesis 1:26 did not give any superiority in this sense to one gender over another. God was never going to be creating every single man until we filled the world. In his creation plan is a pronounced divine ordering for procreation which both genders are inevitably necessary biologically. 1:28 "God blessed them and said to them, ' Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it...." And when a man marries a woman the equation of 1+1 remains=1
Thirdly, yes the Bible depicted the woman as a 'helper' suitable for him. The word helper is not equivalent to "slaves". Before Jesus Christ' ascension to heaven he said of the Holy Spirt a helper or an advocate. This then poses great challenge to our doctrine of the Trinity. Where will he place the deity, perfect equality and the distinctiveness in the three person in relation to perfect unity existing within a not interchangeable relationship co-existing between them? Their relationship is complementarity not "egalitarian"(as the word is advocated for) or Hierarchical.
The Trinity is supposed to model relationship to us as we understand this one God.
Lastly I will like to pick on the fact that in the New Testament Just as the man is the head of the Family, both the man and the woman are under the headship of Christ. Christ is the Head and his church are his body.
I think yes we do have good applications but taking into perspective what all the scripture says about a subject like marriage is important and not just being picky on what seem to suit us.
Thanks David for Chris's quote. A lot to take from that